There is nothing to deny the fact that all of us look for smarter alternatives to do our work these days. If you are using Microsoft Excel and looking for some great alternatives then this guide is for you. Here, we have jotted down the Most Useful Excel Keyboard Shortcuts that you should definitely consider in your work. You need not remember all of them at once and you can always look up to us for Keyboard Shortcuts in Excel. Start using these MS Excel Shortcut Keys PDF 2022 and see the difference.
Cells, Ranges, Rows, & Columns
We have listed the Advanced Excel Shortcut Keys depending on different categories. Use them and make your work-life way easier and quicker.
Navigating The Grid
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Select the first visible cell in the sheet (or bottom-right of freeze panes) | Ctrl+Home | Fn+Ctrl+← | Ctrl+Home |
Select the last used cell in the sheet | Ctrl+End | Fn+Ctrl+→ | Ctrl+End |
Select first cell in the row of the active cell | Home | Fn+← | Home |
Turn on End Mode (similar to Ctrl+Arrow Keys) | End | Fn+→ | End |
Select the first/last cell of a region (non-blank cells) moving up | Ctrl+↑ | Ctrl+↑ | Ctrl+↑ |
Select the first/last cell of a region (non-blank cells) moving right | Ctrl+→ | Ctrl+→ | Ctrl+→ |
Select the first/last cell of a region (non-blank cells) moving down | Ctrl+↓ | Ctrl+↓ | Ctrl+↓ |
Select the first/last cell of a region (non-blank cells) moving left | Ctrl+← | Ctrl+← | Ctrl+← |
Select cell one screen down from the active cell | PgDn | Fn+↓ | PgDn |
Select cell one screen up from the active cell | PgUp | Fn+↑ | PgUp |
Select cell one screen to the right of the active cell | Alt+PgDn | Fn+Alt+↓ | |
Select cell one screen to the left of the active cell | Alt+PgUp | Fn+Alt+↑ | |
Move one cell up | ↑ | ↑ | ↑ |
Move one cell right | → | → | → |
Move one cell down | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ |
Move one cell left | ← | ← | ← |
Go back to hyperlink | Ctrl+G,Enter | Ctrl+G,Return | |
Open the Find window | Ctrl+F | Cmd+F | Ctrl+F |
Open the Find & Replace window | Ctrl+H | Ctrl+H | Ctrl+H |
Find next match | Shift+F4 | Cmd+G | Shift+F4 |
Find previous match | Ctrl+Shift+F4 | Cmd+Shift+G | Ctrl+Shift+F4 |
Writing Formulas
Begin entering a formula | = OR + | = OR + | = OR + |
Insert function into formula with autocomplete | Tab | ↓Tab | Tab |
Edit the active cell | F2 | Ctrl+U | F2 |
Toggle Enter and Edit modes while editing formula | F2 | Ctrl+U | F2 |
Exit cell edit mode | Esc | Esc | Esc |
Toggle absolute and relative references | F4 | Cmd+T | F4 |
AutoSum | Alt+= | Cmd+Shift+T | Alt+= |
Open Function Arguments window (when text cursor is inside function) | Ctrl+A | Ctrl+A | |
Open the Insert Function window | Shift+F3 | Fn+Shift+F3 | Shift+F3 |
Show Formulas instead of Values in cells (toggle) | Ctrl+` or Ctrl+~ | Ctrl+` | |
Expand or collapse the formula bar | Ctrl+Shift+U | Ctrl+Shift+U | |
Calculate worksheets | F9 | Fn+F9 | F9 |
Calculate active worksheet | Shift+F9 | Fn+Shift+F9 | |
Calculate entire workbook | Ctrl+Alt+F9 | | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F9 |
Insert name into formula | F3 | | |
Open Name Manager window | Ctrl+F3 | Fn+Ctrl+F3 | |
Open Create Names From Selection window | Ctrl+Shift+F3 | Fn+Ctrl+Shift+F3 | |
Set focus on Name Box | Alt+F3 | | |
Enter array formula | Ctrl+Shift+Enter | Ctrl+Shift+Return | |
Evaluate selected text in a formula | F9 | Fn+F9 | F9 |
Insert function arguments | Ctrl+Shift+A | Ctrl+Shift+A | Ctrl+Shift+A |
Entering Data
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Open AutoComplete dropdown list | Alt+↓ | Alt+↓ | Alt+↓ |
Enter and move to next cell (based on direction set in Excel Options) | Enter | Return | Enter |
Enter and move to previous cell (based on direction set in Excel Options) | Shift+Enter | Shift+Return | Shift+Enter |
Enter and move right | Tab | Tab | Tab |
Enter and move left | Shift+Tab | Shift+Tab | Shift+Tab |
Insert current date | Ctrl+; | Ctrl+; | Ctrl+; |
Insert current time | Ctrl+Shift+: | Cmd+; | |
Copy formula from cell above | Ctrl+’ | Ctrl+’ | Ctrl+’ |
Fill down from cell above | Ctrl+D | Ctrl+D | |
Fill right | Ctrl+R | Ctrl+R | |
Flash fill | Ctrl+E | | Ctrl+E |
Stay in same cell when editing cell when single cell is selected | Ctrl+Enter | Ctrl+Return | Ctrl+Enter |
Copy data or formula to all selected cells when editing cell | Ctrl+Enter | Ctrl+Return | Ctrl+Enter |
Copy value (result of formula) from cell above | Ctrl+Shift+” | Ctrl+Shift+” | |
Editing Text
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Enter a line break (new line) in a cell | Alt+Enter | Ctrl+Alt+Return | Alt+Enter |
Delete character to the left of cursor | Backspace | Delete | Backspace |
Delete character to the right of cursor | Delete | Fn+Delete | Delete |
Delete to end of line | Ctrl+Delete | Ctrl+Delete | Ctrl+Delete |
Move text cursor one word to the right | Ctrl+→ | Ctrl+→ | Ctrl+→ |
Move text cursor one word to the left | Ctrl+← | Ctrl+← | Ctrl+← |
Select one word right | Ctrl+Shift+→ | Ctrl+Shift+→ | Ctrl+Shift+→ |
Select one word left | Ctrl+Shift+← | Ctrl+Shift+← | Ctrl+Shift+← |
Select one character right | Shift+→ | Shift+→ | Shift+→ |
Select one character left | Shift+← | Shift+← | Shift+← |
Select to beginning of cell | Shift+Home | Fn+Shift+← | Shift+Home |
Select to end of the text/formula | Shift+End | Fn+Shift+→ | Shift+End |
Number Formatting
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Apply General format to selected cells | Ctrl+Shift+~ | Ctrl+Shift+~ | |
Apply Number format to selected cells | Ctrl+Shift+! | Ctrl+Shift+! | |
Apply Date format to selected cells | Ctrl+Shift+# | Ctrl+Shift+# | |
Apply Currency format to selected cells | Ctrl+Shift+$ | Ctrl+Shift+$ | |
Apply Percent format/style to selected cells | Ctrl+Shift+% | Ctrl+Shift+% | |
Apply Time format to selected cells | Ctrl+Shift+@ | Ctrl+Shift+@ | |
Apply Scientific format to selected cells | Ctrl+Shift+^ | Ctrl+Shift+^ | |
Modify Cell Style of the active cell | Alt+’ | Cmd+Shift+L | |
Cell & Font Formatting
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Remove indent | Alt,H,5 | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Tab | |
Indent | Alt,H,6 | Ctrl+Alt+Tab | |
Left Align | Alt,H,A,L | Cmd+L | |
Center Align | Alt,H,A,C | Cmd+E | |
Right Align | Alt,H,A,R | Cmd+R | |
Top Align | Alt,H,A,T | | |
Middle Align | Alt,H,A,M | | |
Bottom Align | Alt,H,A,B | | |
Increase Font Size | Alt,H,F,G | Cmd+Shift+> | Ctrl+Shift+> |
Decrease Font Size | Alt,H,F,K | Cmd+Shift+< | Ctrl+Shift+< |
Wrap Text | Alt,H,W | | |
Format Window for cells and objects | Ctrl+1 | Cmd+1 | Ctrl+1 |
Apply or remove bold formatting | Ctrl+B | Cmd+B | Ctrl+B |
Apply or remove italic formatting | Ctrl+I | Cmd+I | Ctrl+I |
Apply or remove underscoring | Ctrl+U | Cmd+U | Ctrl+U |
Apply or remove strikethrough formatting | Ctrl+5 | Cmd+Shift+X | |
Display Format Cells with Font tab selected | Ctrl+Shift+F | Ctrl+Shift+F | |
Insert or edit Cell Note | Shift+F2 | Fn+Shift+F2 | |
Insert or reply to Cell Comment | Ctrl+Shift+F2 | Fn+Ctrl+Shift+F2 | Shift+F2 |
Delete comment | Shift+F10,M | | |
Add hyperlink | Ctrl+K | Cmd+K | Ctrl+K |
Rows & Columns
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Select all cells in worksheet (unless active cell is in a Table) | Ctrl+A | Cmd+A | |
Select entire row | Shift+Space | Shift+Space | Shift+Space |
Select entire column | Ctrl+Space | Ctrl+Space | Ctrl+Space |
Add non-adjacent cells to selection | Ctrl+Click | Cmd+Click | |
Add adjacent cells to selection | Shift+Click | Shift+Click | |
Toggle Add or Remove Selection Mode | Shift+F8 | Fn+Shift+F8 | Shift+F8 |
Same selection in next column | | Opt+Tab | |
Same selection in previous column | | Opt+Shift+Tab | |
Move right between non-adjacent selections | | Ctrl+Alt+→ | |
Move left between non-adjacent selections | | Ctrl+Alt+← | |
Open Insert window | Ctrl++ | | Ctrl++ |
Insert rows (with rows selected) | Ctrl++ | | Ctrl++ |
Insert columns (with columns selected) | Ctrl++ | | Ctrl++ |
Open Delete window | Ctrl+- | Cmd+- | Ctrl+- |
Delete rows (with rows selected) | Ctrl+- | Cmd+- | Ctrl+- |
Delete columns (with columns selected) | Ctrl+- | Cmd+- | Ctrl+- |
Delete cells (with cells selected) | Ctrl+- | Cmd+- | Ctrl+- |
AutoFit Column Width | Alt,H,O,I | | Alt,H,O,I |
AutoFit Row Height | Alt,H,O,A | | Alt,H,O,A |
Group & Hide
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Group rows or columns (with rows/columns selected) | Shift+Alt+→ | Cmd+Shift+K | |
Ungroup rows or columns (with rows/columns selected) | Shift+Alt+← | Cmd+Shift+J | |
Open Group window (with cell or range selected) | Shift+Alt+→ | Cmd+Shift+K | |
Open Ungroup window (with cell or range selected) | Shift+Alt+← | Cmd+Shift+J | |
Hide or show outline symbols | Ctrl+8 | Ctrl+8 | |
Hide rows | Ctrl+9 | Ctrl+9 | Ctrl+9 |
Hide columns | Ctrl+0 | Ctrl+0 | Ctrl+0 |
Unhide rows | Ctrl+Shift+9 | Ctrl+Shift+9 | Ctrl+Shift+9 |
Unhide columns | Ctrl+Shift+0 | Ctrl+Shift+0 | Ctrl+Shift+0 |
Unhide columns (Alternate: Ctrl+Shift+0 does not work on some versions of Windows) | Alt,H,O,U,L | | |
Active Cell
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Activate next cell in selected range (based on direction set in Excel Options) | Enter | Return | Enter |
Activate next cell to right/below in selected range | Tab | Tab | Tab |
Activate each corner cell in selected range in clockwise direction | Ctrl+. | Ctrl+. | Ctrl+. |
Activate previous cell in selection (based on direction set in Excel Options) | Shift+Enter | Shift+Return | Shift+Enter |
Activate previous cell to left/above in selected range | Shift+Tab | Shift+Tab | Shift+Tab |
Scroll active cell into view | Ctrl+Backspace | Cmd+Delete | Ctrl+Backspace |
Select single (active) cell when range is selected | Shift+Backspace | Shift+Delete | Shift+Backspace |
Extend Selection
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Extend selection by one cell up | Shift+↑ | Shift+↑ | |
Extend selection by one cell right | Shift+→ | Shift+→ | Shift+→ |
Extend selection by one cell down | Shift+↓ | Shift+↓ | |
Extend selection by one cell left | Shift+← | Shift+← | Shift+← |
Extend the selection to the last cell up | Ctrl+Shift+↑ | Ctrl+Shift+↑ | |
Extend the selection to the last cell right | Ctrl+Shift+→ | Ctrl+Shift+→ | |
Extend the selection to the last cell down | Ctrl+Shift+↓ | Ctrl+Shift+↓ | |
Extend the selection to the last cell left | Ctrl+Shift+← | Ctrl+Shift+← | |
Extend selection to first cell in worksheet | Ctrl+Shift+Home | Fn+Ctrl+Shift+← | Ctrl+Shift+Home |
Extend selection to last cell in worksheet | Ctrl+Shift+End | Fn+Ctrl+Shift+→ | Ctrl+Shift+End |
Extend selection right one screen | Shift+Alt+PgDn | Fn+Shift+Alt+↓ | |
Extend selection left one screen | Shift+Alt+PgUp | Fn+Shift+Alt+↑ | |
Extend selection to start of row | Shift+Home | Fn+Shift+← | Shift+Home |
Extend selection down one screen | Shift+PgDn | Fn+Shift+↓ | |
Extend selection up one screen | Shift+PgUp | Fn+Shift+↑ | |
Toggle extend selection mode | F8 | Fn+F8 | |
Select Spill Range | Ctrl+A | | |
Select Special Cells
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Open the Go To window | F5 OR Ctrl+G | Ctrl+G | Ctrl+G |
Open the Go To Special window | Alt,H,F,D,S OR F5,Alt,S | | |
Select visible cells only (when range is selected) | Alt+; | Cmd+Shift+Z | |
Select current region | Ctrl+A | Cmd+A | |
Select current region around active cell | Ctrl+Shift+8 | Shift+Ctrl+Space | |
Select current array | Ctrl+/ | Ctrl+/ | |
Select row differences | Ctrl+ | Ctrl+ | |
Select column differences | Ctrl+Shift+ | Ctrl+Shift+ | |
Select direct dependents | Ctrl+] | Ctrl+] | |
Select direct precedents | Ctrl+[ | Ctrl+[ | |
Select all precedents | Ctrl+Shift+{ | Ctrl+Shift+{ | |
Select all dependents | Ctrl+Shift+} | Ctrl+Shift+} | |
Select cells with comments | Ctrl+Shift+O | Fn+Ctrl+Shift+O | |
Copy & Move with the Mouse
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Copy selected range or shape | Ctrl+Drag | Alt+Drag | |
Insert copy of selected range (moves existing cells) | Ctrl+Shift+Drag | Alt+Shift+Drag | |
Drag and cut | Drag | Drag | |
Cut and paste selected range (moves existing cells) | Shift+Drag | Shift+Drag | |
Move selected range to another worksheet | Alt+Drag | Cmd+Drag | |
Zoom & Scroll
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Zoom in | Ctrl+Alt++ | Alt+Cmd++ | Ctrl+Alt++ |
Zoom out | Ctrl+Alt+- | Alt+Cmd+- | Ctrl+Alt+- |
Zoom in (with mouse) | Ctrl+Scroll Up | Ctrl+Scroll Up | Ctrl+Scroll Up |
Zoom out (with mouse) | Ctrl+Scroll Down | Ctrl+Scroll Down | Ctrl+Scroll Down |
Zoom to Selection | Alt,W,G | | |
Zoom to Selection | Alt,W,J | | |
Toggle Scroll Lock on/off | ScrLk | Fn+Shift+F14 | |
Toggle Gridlines on/off | Alt,W,V,G | | |
Toggle Freeze Panes on/off | Alt,W,F,F | | |
Cell Borders
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Add Outside Borders to selected cell/range | Ctrl+Shift+& | Cmd+Alt+0 | Ctrl+Shift+& |
Remove all borders (apply No Borders) to the selection | Ctrl+Shift+_ | Cmd+Alt+_ | |
Open Border dropdown menu on Home Tab | Alt,H,B | | Alt,H,B |
Add all borders to cells in the selected range | Alt,H,B,A | | |
Add or remove Bottom Border | Alt,H,B,O | Cmd+Alt+↓ | |
Add or remove Top Border | Alt,H,B,P | Cmd+Alt+↑ | |
Add or remove Left Border | Alt,H,B,L | Cmd+Alt+← | |
Add or remove Right Border | Alt,H,B,R | Cmd+Alt+→ | |
Open Borders tab in Format Cells window (More Borders) | Alt,H,B,M | | |
Worksheet Tabs
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Insert new worksheet | Shift+F11 | Fn+Shift+F11 | Shift+F11 |
Delete selected worksheets | Alt,E,L | | Alt,H,D,S |
Rename current worksheet | Alt,O,H,R | | |
Go to next worksheet | Ctrl+PgDn | Fn+Ctrl+↓ | Ctrl+Alt+PgDn |
Go to previous worksheet | Ctrl+PgUp | Fn+Ctrl+↑ | Ctrl+Alt+PgUp |
Select adjacent worksheets | Ctrl+Shift+PgUp/PgDn | | |
Select adjacent worksheets (mouse) | Shift+Click | Shift+Click | |
Select non-adjacent worksheets (mouse) | Ctrl+Click | Cmd+Click | |
Open Move or Copy window for selected sheets | Alt,E,M | | |
Duplicate worksheet (mouse) | Ctrl+drag | Alt+drag | |
Protect or Unprotect Sheet | Alt,R,P,S | | |
Clear print area | Alt,P,R,C | | |
Set print area | Alt,P,R,S | | |
File Open, Close, Save
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Create new workbook | Ctrl+N | Cmd+N | |
Open workbook | Ctrl+O | Cmd+O | Ctrl+O |
Save workbook | Ctrl+S | Cmd+S | |
Save as | F12 | Cmd+Shift+S | Alt+F2 |
Close current workbook | Ctrl+F4 OR Ctrl+W | Cmd+W | Ctrl+W |
Close Excel | Alt+F4 | Cmd+Q | |
Workbook Actions & Options
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Undo last action | Ctrl+Z | Cmd+Z | Ctrl+Z |
Redo last action | Ctrl+Y | Cmd+Y | Ctrl+Y |
Repeat last action | F4 | Cmd+Y | F4 |
Open Excel Options window | Alt,F,T | Cmd+, | |
Open help | F1 | Cmd+/ | |
Tell Me | | | Alt+Q |
Open the Control Menu (minimize, maximize, close window) | Alt+Space | | |
Open Spelling window (Spell Check) | F7 | Fn+F7 | |
Open Thesaurus dialog box | Shift+F7 | Fn+Shift+F7 | |
Open Right-click menu | Shift+F10 OR Menu Key | Fn+Shift+F10 | |
Move to next pane in application window | F6 | Fn+F6 | |
Move to previous pane | Shift+F6 | Fn+Shift+F6 | |
Protect and Unprotect Workbook | Alt,R,P,W | | |
Workbook View Settings
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Minimize current workbook window | Ctrl+F9 | Cmd+M | |
Maximize or Restore current workbook window (toggle) | Ctrl+F10 | Fn+Ctrl+F10 | |
Toggle full screen | Ctrl+Shift+F1 | Ctrl+Cmd+F | |
Go to previous workbook | Ctrl+Shift+Tab | Cmd+Shift+` | |
Go to next workbook | Ctrl+Tab | Cmd+` | |
Open current workbook in Desktop Excel Application | | | Alt+O |
Tables & Filters
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Insert Table | Ctrl+T | Ctrl+T | Ctrl+L OR Ctrl+Alt+T |
Insert Table (select style first) | Alt,H,T | | |
Insert a row above the current row | Alt,H, I, R | | Alt,H, I, R |
Insert a column to the left of the current column | Alt,H, I, C | | Alt,H, I, C |
Select Table Body (Press again to include Headers) | Ctrl+A | Cmd+A | |
Select Table row | Shift+Space | Shift+Space | Shift+Space |
Select Table column | Ctrl+Space | Ctrl+Space | Ctrl+Space |
Toggle Autofilter on/off | Ctrl+Shift+L | Cmd+Shift+F | Ctrl+Shift+L |
Open Filter Dropdown Menu (with header cell selected) | Alt+↓ | Alt+↓ | Alt+↓ |
Open Filter Dropdown Menu (from any cell in a Table) | Shift+Alt+↓ | Shift+Alt+↓ | Shift+Alt+↓ |
Toggle Total Row on/off | Ctrl+Shift+T | Cmd+Shift+T | |
Clear slicer filter (with slicer selected) | Alt+C | Alt+C | |
Charts & Shapes
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Create chart or PivotChart on same worksheet | Alt+F1 | Fn+Alt+F1 | Alt+F1 |
Create chart in new ChartSheet | F11 | Fn+F11 | |
Open Format Chart Area Task Pane | Ctrl+1 | Cmd+1 | |
Show or Hide All Field Buttons on PivotChart | Alt,J,T,D,A | | |
Snap to grid | Alt | Cmd+ | |
Hide or show objects (shapes, charts, slicers) | Ctrl+6 | Ctrl+6 | |
Copy & Paste Objects
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Copy selected object (cells, range, shape) | Ctrl+C | Cmd+C | Ctrl+C |
Cut selected object | Ctrl+X | Cmd+X | Ctrl+X |
Paste content from clipboard | Ctrl+V | Cmd+V | Ctrl+V |
Open the Paste Special window | Ctrl+Alt+V | Cmd+Ctrl+V | |
Duplicate selected object (shapes, charts, slicers) | Ctrl+D | Cmd+D | |
Copy selected objects (mouse) | Ctrl+Drag | Cmd+Drag | |
Copy selected ojbects and retain vertical or horizontal alignment (mouse) | Ctrl+Shift+Drag | Cmd+Shift+Drag | |
Copy selected objects (mouse right-click) | Right-click+Drag | Right-click+Drag | |
Copy selected ojbects and retain vertical or horizontal alignment (right-click mouse) | Right-click+Shift+Drag | Right-click+Shift+Drag | |
Pivot Tables
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Insert Pivot Table | Alt,N,V | | |
Refresh Pivot Table or Query | Alt+F5 | | Alt+F5 |
Refresh All | Ctrl+Alt+F5 | | Ctrl+Alt+F5 |
Open pivot table wizard | Alt,D,P | Cmd+Alt+P | |
Select entire pivot table | Ctrl+A | Cmd+A | |
Group pivot table items | Shift+Alt+→ | Cmd+Shift+K | |
Ungroup pivot table items | Shift+Alt+← | Cmd+Shift+J | |
Unhide (clear filter on) pivot table item | Alt,H,S,C | | |
Filter out (exclude/hide) pivot item | Ctrl+- | Ctrl- | Ctrl+- |
Open Filter Dropdown Menu in Pivot Table cells | Alt+↓ | Alt+↓ | Alt+↓ |
Toggle pivot table field checkbox | Space | Space | |
Insert pivot chart | Alt+F1 | Fn+Alt+F1 | Alt+F1 |
Create pivot chart on new Chart Sheet | F11 | Fn+F11 | |
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Activate Ribbon shortcut keys | Alt OR Shift+F6 | | Alt OR Win+Alt |
Move to next ribbon control | Tab | Tab | Tab |
Move through Ribbon tabs and groups | → ← ↑ ↓ | | → ← ↑ ↓ |
Open dropdown menu of selected button | Alt+↓ | Alt+↓ | |
Open help window for selected control | F1 | | |
Expand or collapse ribbon | Ctrl+F1 | Cmd+Alt+R | |
Macros & VBA
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Open the VB Editor window (VBA) | Alt+F11 | Fn+Alt+F11 | |
Open the Macro window (run or edit macro) | Alt+F8 | Fn+Alt+F8 | |
Record Macro | Alt,L,R | | |
Open Excel Add-ins Window | Alt,L,R | | |
Open COM Add-ins Window | Alt,L,J | | |
Navigating Windows & Dialog Boxes
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Move to next tab | Ctrl+Tab | Ctrl+Tab | |
Move to previous tab | Ctrl+Shift+Tab | Ctrl+Shift+Tab | |
Move to next control or button | Tab | Tab | Tab |
Move to previous control or button | Shift+Tab | Shift+Tab | Shift+Tab |
Press selected control or button | Enter | Return | Enter |
Check and uncheck checkboxes | Space | Space | |
Close the window or dialog box | Esc | Esc | Esc |
Power Query
Shortcut | Windows | Mac | Web |
Open the Power Query Editor | Alt,A,P,L,N | | |
Press any button in the Power Query Ribbon | Alt, Letter Sequence | | |
Quick Access Toolbar in Power Query | Alt+Number | | |
Rename Column | F2 | | |
Remove Column(s) | Delete | | |
Undo Last Action | Tab (6 times), Delete | | |
Select All Columns | Ctrl+A | | |
Select First Column | Home | | |
Select Last Column | End | | |
Select Multiple Adjacent Columns | Shift+→ or ← | | |
Select Multiple Non-Adjacent Columns | Ctrl+→ or ←, Space | | |
Open Filter Drop-down Menu | Alt+↓ | | |
Open Right-click Menus | Menu Key | | |
Open Table Options Menu | Select First Column,← ,Space | | |
Select Task Panes & Ribbon | Tab & Shift+Tab | | |
Close Power Query Window | Alt+F4 | | |
Close & Load | Alt,F,Enter | | |
Wrapping Up
We have included all the ones that we feel are important in the Shortcut Keys of MS Excel. If you need any other set of Excel Shortcuts for Mac, Windows, etc. do let us know your queries and we are happy to solve them. To know more about such similar kinds of Google Sheets Keyboard Shortcuts and Google Forms Keyboard Shortcuts bookmark our site.