Google Sheets Keyboard Shortcuts for PC, MAC, Chrome OS | Tutorial on Keyboard Shortcuts for Google Sheets

With the help of Keyboard Shortcuts in Google Sheets, we can navigate, format, and use several functions with a few key buttons. Also using Keyboard can save us a lot of time by performing n number of operations. Save your time by learning these Google Sheets shortcut keys and we are sure you will see the difference in your productivity.

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In this article, let’s go through the list of keyboard shortcuts for PC, MAC, and Chrome OS with important Google Sheet tips. Read on to find more about the Shortcut Keys in Google Sheets based on different categories.

Table of Contents

How to Check List of Keyboard Shortcuts in Google Sheets?

When it comes to keyboard shortcuts, we are familiar with few shortcuts such as Cut, Copy, Paste. However, it’s hard to remember the Keyboard shortcuts such as navigating a menu, usage of formulas, and so on. Thus to ease this process, the Google Spreadsheet shows up the list of formulas that are available on the Sheets and what functions need to be performed to enable the operations. The steps to view the list of Google Keyboard shortcuts for Spreadsheet are given below:

  • Step 1: Open the Google Spreadsheet.
  • Step 2: Now click on the “Help” tab from the menubar.
  • Step 3: Select Keyboard Shortcuts from the dropdown menu.

keyboard shortcuts in google sheets Now the spreadsheet shows the list of Google Sheets Custom Keyboard Shortcuts on the screen. keyboard shortcuts in google sheets Now let’s skim through the list of Google Sheets Keyboard Shortcuts for PC, MAC, and Chrome OS.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Common Actions in Google Sheets

The common action shortcuts in Google Sheets for PC, MAC OS and Chroms OS are tabulated below:

Common ActionsGoogle Sheets Shortcuts for PCGoogle Sheets Shortcuts for MAC OSChrome OS Keyboard Shortcuts Google Sheets
Select columnCtrl + SpaceCtrl + SpaceCtrl + Space
Select rowShift + SpaceShift + SpaceShift + Space
Select allCtrl + a Ctrl + Shift + Space⌘ + a⌘ + Shift + SpaceCtrl + a
UndoCtrl + z⌘ + zCtrl + z
RedoCtrl + y Ctrl + Shift + z F4⌘ + y ⌘ + Shift + z Fn + F4Ctrl + y Ctrl + Shift + z
FindCtrl + f⌘ + fCtrl + f
Find and replaceCtrl + h⌘ + Shift + hCtrl + h
Fill rangeCtrl + Enter⌘ + EnterCtrl + Enter
Fill downCtrl + d⌘ + dCtrl + d
Fill rightCtrl + r⌘ + rCtrl + r
Save (every change is saved automatically in Drive)Ctrl + s⌘ + sCtrl + s
OpenCtrl + o⌘ + oCtrl + o
PrintCtrl + p⌘ + pCtrl + p
CopyCtrl + c⌘ + cCtrl + c
CutCtrl + x⌘ + xCtrl + x
PasteCtrl + v⌘ + vCtrl + v
Paste values onlyCtrl + Shift + v⌘ + Shift + vCtrl + Shift + v
Show common keyboard shortcutsCtrl + /⌘ + /Ctrl + /
Insert new sheetShift + F11Shift + Fn + F11
Compact controlsCtrl + Shift + fCtrl + Shift + fCtrl + Shift + f
Input tools on/off (available in spreadsheets in non-Latin languages)Ctrl + Shift + k⌘ + Shift + kCtrl + Shift + k
Select input toolsCtrl + Alt + Shift + k⌘ + Option + Shift + kCtrl + Alt + Shift + k
Search the menusAlt + /Option + /Alt + /

Format Cells Keyboard Shortcuts in Google Sheets

The list of keyboard shortcuts with the help of which we can format the cells in PC, MAC or Chrome OS are explained below:

Format CellsGoogle Sheets Shortcuts for PCGoogle Sheets Shortcuts for MAC OSChrome OS Keyboard Shortcuts Google Sheets
BoldCtrl + b⌘ + bCtrl + b
UnderlineCtrl + u⌘ + uCtrl + u
ItalicCtrl + i⌘ + iCtrl + i
StrikethroughAlt + Shift + 5Option + Shift + 5Alt + Shift + 5
Center alignCtrl + Shift + e⌘ + Shift + eCtrl + Shift + e
Left alignCtrl + Shift + l⌘ + Shift + lCtrl + Shift + l
Right alignCtrl + Shift + r⌘ + Shift + rCtrl + Shift + r
Apply top borderAlt + Shift + 1Option + Shift + 1Alt + Shift + 1
Apply right borderAlt + Shift + 2Option + Shift + 2Alt + Shift + 2
Apply bottom borderAlt + Shift + 3Option + Shift + 3Alt + Shift + 3
Apply left borderAlt + Shift + 4Option + Shift + 4Alt + Shift + 4
Remove bordersAlt + Shift + 6Option + Shift + 6Alt + Shift + 6
Apply outer borderAlt + Shift + 7 Ctrl + Shift + 7Option + Shift + 7 ⌘ + Shift + 7Alt + Shift + 7 Ctrl + Shift + 7
Insert linkCtrl + k⌘ + kCtrl + k
Insert timeCtrl + Shift + ;⌘ + Shift + ;Ctrl + Shift + ;
Insert dateCtrl + ;⌘ + ;Ctrl + ;
Insert date and timeCtrl + Alt + Shift + ;⌘ + Option + Shift + ;Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ;
Format as decimalCtrl + Shift + 1Ctrl + Shift + 1Ctrl + Shift + 1
Format as timeCtrl + Shift + 2Ctrl + Shift + 2Ctrl + Shift + 2
Format as dateCtrl + Shift + 3Ctrl + Shift + 3Ctrl + Shift + 3
Format as currencyCtrl + Shift + 4Ctrl + Shift + 4Ctrl + Shift + 4
Format as percentageCtrl + Shift + 5Ctrl + Shift + 5Ctrl + Shift + 5
Format as exponentCtrl + Shift + 6Ctrl + Shift + 6Ctrl + Shift + 6
Clear formattingCtrl + \⌘ + \Ctrl + \

Keyboard Shortcuts for Rows/Columns

Google Sheet Keyboard Shortcuts For MenuGoogle Sheets Shortcuts for PC/Chrome OSGoogle Sheets Shortcuts for MAC OS
Insert rows aboveCtrl + Alt + Shift + = Ctrl + Alt + = (with rows selected) in Google Chrome: Alt + i, then r other browsers: Alt + Shift + i, then r⌘ + Option + = (with rows selected) Ctrl + Option + i, then r
Insert rows belowin Google Chrome: Alt + i, then w other browsers: Alt + Shift + i, then wCtrl + Option + i, then b
Insert columns to the leftCtrl + Alt + Shift + = Ctrl + Alt + = (with columns selected) in Google Chrome: Alt + i, then c other browsers: Alt + Shift + i, then c⌘ + Option + = (with columns selected) Ctrl + Option + i, then c
Insert columns to the rightin Google Chrome: Alt + i, then o other browsers: Alt + Shift + i, then oCtrl + Option + i, then o
Delete rowsCtrl + Alt + – (with rows selected) in Google Chrome: Alt + e, then d other browsers: Alt + Shift + e, then d⌘ + Option + – (with rows selected) Ctrl + Option + e, then d
Delete columnsCtrl + Alt + – (with columns selected) in Google Chrome: Alt + e, then e other browsers: Alt + Shift + e, then e⌘ + Option + – (with columns selected) Ctrl + Option + e, then e
Hide rowCtrl + Alt + 9⌘ + Option + 9
Unhide rowCtrl + Shift + 9⌘ + Shift + 9
Hide columnCtrl + Alt + 0⌘ + Option + 0
Unhide columnCtrl + Shift + 0⌘ + Shift + 0
Group rows or columnsAlt + Shift + Right ArrowOption + Shift + Right Arrow
Ungroup rows or columnsAlt + Shift + Left ArrowOption + Shift + Left Arrow
Expand grouped rows or columnsAlt + Shift + Down ArrowOption + Shift + Down Arrow
Collapse grouped rows or columnsAlt + Shift + Up ArrowOption + Shift + Up Arrow

Navigate Spreadsheet using Google Sheets Keyboard Shortcuts

We can navigate spreadsheets by using the following keys on the keyboard:

Navigate SpreadsheetGoogle Sheets Shortcuts for PCGoogle Sheets Shortcuts for MAC OS
Move to begin of rowHomeFn + Left Arrow
Move to begin of sheetCtrl + Home⌘ + Fn + Left Arrow
Move to end of rowEndFn + Right Arrow
Move to end of the sheetCtrl + End⌘ + Fn + Right Arrow
Scroll to the active cellCtrl + Backspace⌘ + Backspace
Move to the next sheetAlt + Down ArrowOption + Down Arrow
Move to the previous sheetAlt + Up ArrowOption + Up Arrow
Display list of sheetsAlt + Shift + kOption + Shift + k
Open hyperlinkAlt + EnterOption + Enter
Open ExploreAlt + Shift + xOption + Shift + x
Go to the side panelCtrl + Alt + . Ctrl + Alt + ,⌘ + Option + . ⌘ + Option + ,
Move focus out of the spreadsheetCtrl + Alt + Shift + mCtrl + ⌘ + Shift + m
Move to quicksum (when a range of cells is selected)Alt + Shift + qOption + Shift + q
Move focus to popup (for links, bookmarks, and images)holding Ctrl + Alt, press e then pholding Ctrl + ⌘, press e then p
Open drop-down menu on filtered cellCtrl + Alt + rCtrl + ⌘ + r
Open revision historyCtrl + Alt + Shift + h⌘ + Option + Shift + h
Close drawing editorShift + Esc⌘ + Esc Shift + Esc

Chrome OS Shortcuts to Navigate Menu

Move to begin of rowSearch + Left Arrow
Move to end of rowSearch + Right Arrow
Move to the first cell in row with dataCtrl + Left Arrow
Move to top left of the sheetCtrl + Search + Left Arrow
Move to the last cell in a row with dataCtrl + Right Arrow
Move to the bottom right of the sheetCtrl + Search + Right Arrow
Scroll to the active cellCtrl + Backspace
Move to begin of sheetCtrl + Search + Left Arrow
Move to end of the sheetCtrl + Search + Right Arrow
Move to the next sheetCtrl + Shift + Search + Down Arrow
Move to the previous sheetCtrl + Shift + Search + Up Arrow
Display list of sheetsAlt + Shift + k
Open hyperlinkAlt + Enter
Open ExploreAlt + Shift + x
Go to the side panelAlt + Shift + . Alt + Shift + ,
Move focus out of the spreadsheetCtrl + Alt + Shift + m
Move to quicksum (when a range of cells is selected)Alt + Shift + q
Move focus to popup (for links, bookmarks, and images)holding Ctrl + Alt, press e then p
To open the drop-down menu on filtered cellCtrl + Alt + r
Open revision historyCtrl + Alt + Shift + h
Close drawing editorCtrl + Esc Shift + Esc

Edits Notes and Comments in Google Sheets using Keyboard Shortcuts

Edit notes and commentsGoogle Sheets Shortcuts for PCGoogle Sheets Shortcuts for MAC OSChrome OS Keyboard Shortcuts Google Sheets
Insert/edit noteShift + F2Shift + F2Shift + Search + 2
Insert/edit commentCtrl + Alt + m⌘ + Option + mCtrl + Alt + m
Open comment discussion threadCtrl + Alt + Shift + a⌘ + Option + Shift + aCtrl + Alt + Shift + a
Enter current commentholding Ctrl + Alt, press e then cholding Ctrl + ⌘, press e then cholding Ctrl + Alt, press e then c
Move to the next commentholding Ctrl + Alt, press n then cholding Ctrl + ⌘, press n then cholding Ctrl + Alt, press n then c
Move to previous commentholding Ctrl + Alt, press p then cholding Ctrl + ⌘, press p then cholding Ctrl + Alt, press p then c

To Use Keyboard Shortcuts only on Selected Comments

Use Keyboard Shortcuts on Selected CommentsGoogle Sheets Shortcuts for PCGoogle Sheets Shortcuts for MAC OSChrome OS Keyboard Shortcuts Google Sheets
Reply to the current commentRRR
Move to the next commentJJJ
Move to previous commentKKK
Resolve current commentEEE
Exit current commentUUU

Google Sheet Keyboard Shortcuts to Open a Menu

Google Sheet Keyboard Shortcuts For MenuGoogle Sheets Shortcuts for PC/Chrome OSGoogle Sheets Shortcuts for MAC OS
File menuin Google Chrome: Alt + f other browsers: Alt + Shift + fCtrl + Option + f
Edit menuin Google Chrome: Alt + e other browsers: Alt + Shift + eCtrl + Option + e
View menuin Google Chrome: Alt + v other browsers: Alt + Shift + vCtrl + Option + v
Insert menuin Google Chrome: Alt + i other browsers: Alt + Shift + iCtrl + Option + i
Format menuin Google Chrome: Alt + o other browsers: Alt + Shift + oCtrl + Option + o
Data menuin Google Chrome: Alt + d other browsers: Alt + Shift + dCtrl + Option + d
Tools menuin Google Chrome: Alt + t other browsers: Alt + Shift + tCtrl + Option + t
Open insert menuCtrl + Alt + Shift + = Ctrl + Alt + = (with cells selected)⌘ + Option + = (with cells selected)
Open delete menuCtrl + Alt + – (with cells selected)⌘ + Option + – (with cells selected)
Form menu (present when the spreadsheet is connected to a form)in Google Chrome: Alt + m other browsers: Alt + Shift + mCtrl + Option + m
Add-ons menuin Google Chrome: Alt + n other browsers: Alt + Shift + nCtrl + Option + n
Help menuin Google Chrome: Alt + h other browsers: Alt + Shift + hCtrl + Option + h
Accessibility menu (present when screen reader support is enabled)in Google Chrome: Alt + a other browsers: Alt + Shift + aCtrl + Option + a
Sheet menu (copy, delete, and other sheet actions)Alt + Shift + sOption + Shift + s
Context menuCtrl + Shift + \ Shift + F10⌘ + Shift + \ Shift + F10

Google Sheet Keyboard Shortcuts for Formulas and Screen Readers

Google Sheet Keyboard Shortcuts for Formulas and Screen ReadersGoogle Sheets Shortcuts for PC/Chrome OSGoogle Sheets Shortcuts for MAC OS
Show all formulasCtrl + ~Ctrl + ~
Insert array formulaCtrl + Shift + Enter⌘ + Shift + Enter
Collapse an expanded array formulaCtrl + e⌘ + e
Show/hide formula help (when entering a formula)Shift + F1Shift + Fn + F1
Full/compact formula help (when entering a formula)F1Fn + F1
Absolute/relative references (when entering a formula)F4Fn + F4
Toggle formula result previews (when entering a formula)F9Fn + F9
Resize formula bar (move up or down)Ctrl + Up / Ctrl + DownCtrl + Option + Up and Ctrl + Option + Down
Turn on screen reader supportCtrl + Alt + z⌘ + Option + z
Enable braille supportCtrl + Alt + h⌘ + Option + h
Read columnCtrl + Alt + Shift + c⌘ + Option + Shift + c
Read rowCtrl + Alt + Shift + r⌘ + Option + Shift + r


We wish the information prevailing on our page with regards to Google Sheets Keyboard Shortcuts has enlightened you. If you need further Excel Keyboard Shortcuts on various similar platforms you can visit our site.

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