How To Detect Language in Google Sheets? – Language Identification in Google Sheets

Google Sheets is a god-sent tool for organizing data. With a handful of features and functions available in the spreadsheet, the tool becomes a one-stop solution for all needs. Among all the features, one of the most important ones which make everyone collaborate across the world is Language Detection. The Google Sheets Detect Language features … Read more

How to Calculate Days Between Two Dates in Google Sheets (With Examples)

With the help of Google Sheets, we can easily work with data and time functions and analyze the data in real-time. For example, if you want to calculate the number of days in between two dates, then you can easily perform the same with the help of Google Sheets without doing any manual calculations. On … Read more

How To Use SUMIFS Function in Google Sheets with Example?

SUMIFS Function Google Sheets: Google Sheets are widely used in significant organisations for maintaining the data sheets of various financial transactions, employee details, accounts, sales, etc. These include not only data input but also data manipulation such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, and so on as needed. Hence, instead of manually going on with all the calculations, … Read more

How To Show Formulas Instead of Values in Google Sheets?

Google Spreadsheet software is a great tool where we can create magic with our datasets. We use various formulas and functions to structure, organize, and perform mathematical operations in Google Sheets. But, when we are using functions or formulas in Google Sheets, we just the result not the formula or function used. However, the spreadsheet … Read more

How to Calculate Age in the Google Sheets using the Date of Birth? (with Example)

Have you ever wondered about calculating age using the date of birth in Google Sheets?. If yes, then you are right! With Google Sheets, you can determine the current time, generate charts, and calculate age based on a birthdate. To calculate the age in google sheets, we can use the DATEDIF function. In this article, let’s … Read more

How to Add & Use Calculated Fields in Google Sheets Pivot Tables

Calculated Fields are very useful when it comes to summarising the data in Google Sheet Pivot tables. The main purpose of Calculated Fields is that it allows you to process your data in order to create more tailored Pivot table results. With the help of Custom formulas, one can present summary metrics in the Pivot … Read more

Tips and Tricks To Calculate Days Between Two Dates in Google Sheets

 Calculate Days Between Two Dates in Google Sheets: Handling extensive data sheets with multiple dates and time combinations is very common these days. Calculating the number of days between two dates by subtracting in Google Sheets is possible for small data worksheets. But for huge lumps of data, calculating days between months will be time-consuming, … Read more

How To Calculate Weighted Average In Google Sheets (AVERAGE.WEIGHTED function)

AVERAGE.WEIGHTED function: When working with a large dataset in Google Sheets, calculating the average is a regular activity. The weighted arithmetic mean will provide a better representation of the data when the dataset is huge. In this article, let’s understand how to calculate the weighted average for the given dataset with the help of Google … Read more