How to Read Password Protected Excel file in R?

This article will show how to read password-protected Excel files in the R programming language.

Also Read: C Program to Draw Sine Wave Using C Graphics

Let us use the excelFile.xlsx excel file here which is shown below:



Reading Password Protected Excel file in R

This can be done using various methods. They are:

Method #1: Using Package

The package is divided into two distinct parts:

  • One for sending data/graphics to a running instance of Excel.
  • Another for working with data tables in Excel in a manner similar to that  of a data.frame.

In this case, we will use package to read a password-protected file.

Installation of Package:

Type the below command in the R console for installing the package:



Installing package into ‘C:/Users/cirus/AppData/Local/R/win-library/4.2’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/zip' length 782729 bytes (764 KB)
downloaded 764 KB

package ‘’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked

The downloaded binary packages are in
C:\Users\cirus\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpOwpVEv\downloaded_packages Function:

In R language, the function is used to read Excel files.

Syntax: "fileName", password = "pass")



  • Import package using the library() function
  • Pass the excel file path, and password as arguments to the function to read the excel file with the password and store it in a variable.
  • Display the above dataframe using the head() function.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Import package using the library() function

# Pass the excel file path, password as arguments to the function
# to read the excel file with the password and store it in a variable
datafrme <-"C:/Users/cirus/Downloads/excelFile.xlsx", password = "Sheetstips")

# Display the above dataframe values


     Website name       Name Age        City          State Student Employed
2      Sheets Tips    Vikram  21   Hyderabad      Telangana     Yes       No
3  Python-Programs  Ashritha  22        Pune         Mumbai     Yes       No
4       BTechGeeks    Manish  19      Indore Madhya Pradesh     Yes       No
5      PythonArray     Anish  20      Rajkot        Gujarat     Yes       No
6      Sheets Tips    Vishal  18      Ranchi      Jharkhand     Yes       No
7  Python-Programs     Pavan  23     Lucknow   Uttarpradesh      No      Yes
8      Sheets Tips      John  32 Los Angeles        America      No      Yes
9  Python-Programs     Virat  34        Agra          Delhi      No      Yes
10      BTechGeeks      Cary  36       Tokyo          Japan      No      Yes
11     PythonArray      Tara  39    Helsinki        Finland      No      Yes
12     Sheets Tips     Smith  42     Nairobi          Kenya      No      Yes
13 Python-Programs Elizabeth  66       Paris          Italy      No      Yes
   Married    Scholorship   Id
2       No Not Applicable 1234
3       No  Already Taken 2344
4       No  Already Taken 1345
5       No  Already Taken 1356


The same module can be used to unlock the file and then copy its contents to another, allowing it to be accessible without a password again. In this case, we save the file with a password of NULL and save it to another file.

Syntax: file.object, "newFile, password = NULL , write.res.password = NULL)


  • Import package using the library() function
  • Pass the excel file path, and password as arguments to the function
    to read the excel file with the password and store it in a variable
  • Pass the above dataframe, no password excel file name, password as NULL to the function to save the above dataframe into another new file.
  • Pass the above output excel file name as an argument to the to read the file without any password and store it in another variable
  • Display the above output dataframe.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Import package using the library() function

# Pass the excel file path, password as arguments to the function
# to read the excel file with the password and store it in a variable
datafrme <-"C:/Users/cirus/Downloads/excelFile.xlsx", password = "sheetstips")

# Pass the above dataframe, no Password excel file name, password as NULL to the 
# function to save the above dataframe into a another new file., "C:/Users/cirus/Downloads/noPasswordExcelFile.xlsx", password = NULL,
            write.res.password = NULL)

# Pass the above output excel file name as as argument to the 
# to read the file without any password and  store it in another variable
output_datafrme <-"C:/Users/cirus/Downloads/noPasswordExcelFile.xlsx")

# Display the above output dataframe 


     Website name       Name Age        City          State Student Employed Married    Scholorship   Id
2      Sheets Tips    Vikram  21   Hyderabad      Telangana     Yes       No      No Not Applicable 1234
3  Python-Programs  Ashritha  22        Pune         Mumbai     Yes       No      No  Already Taken 2344
4       BTechGeeks    Manish  19      Indore Madhya Pradesh     Yes       No      No  Already Taken 1345
5      PythonArray     Anish  20      Rajkot        Gujarat     Yes       No      No  Already Taken 1356
6      Sheets Tips    Vishal  18      Ranchi      Jharkhand     Yes       No      No  Already Taken 1938
7  Python-Programs     Pavan  23     Lucknow   Uttarpradesh      No      Yes      No Not Applicable 2345
8      Sheets Tips      John  32 Los Angeles        America      No      Yes     Yes Not Applicable 5622
9  Python-Programs     Virat  34        Agra          Delhi      No      Yes      No Not Applicable 1734
10      BTechGeeks      Cary  36       Tokyo          Japan      No      Yes     Yes  Already Taken 4562
11     PythonArray      Tara  39    Helsinki        Finland      No      Yes     Yes Not Applicable 2365
12     Sheets Tips     Smith  42     Nairobi          Kenya      No      Yes     Yes Not Applicable 2463
13 Python-Programs Elizabeth  66       Paris          Italy      No      Yes     Yes Not Applicable 2677

Method #2: Using XLConnect Package

To read the password-protected file, we will use the XLConnect package. The XLConnect package has comprehensive functionality for reading, writing, and formatting Excel data.

> install.packages("XLConnect")
Installing package into ‘C:/Users/cirus/AppData/Local/R/win-library/4.2’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/zip' length 29541925 bytes (28.2 MB)
downloaded 28.2 MB

package ‘XLConnect’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked

The downloaded binary packages are in

The package uses the Apache POI API1 as the underlying interface. XLConnect allows you to generate structured Excel reports with graphics directly from R.

loadWorkbook() Function:

The loadWorkbook() function is used to load the Microsoft Excel workbooks.


loadWorkbook(filename , password )

readWorksheet() Function:

The readWorksheet() function is used to read data from the excel worksheets.


 readWorksheet( object, sheet).


  • object: It is the workbook object to be used
  • sheet: It is the name or index of the worksheet from which to read


  • Import XLConnect module using the library() function
  • Pass the excel file path, password as arguments to the loadWorkbook() function of the XLConnect module to read the excel file with the password and store it in a variable.
  • Pass the above workbook object, sheetname as arguments to the readWorksheet() function to read the above workbook object and store it in another variable.
  • Display the above dataframe using the head() function.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Import XLConnect module using the library() function

# Pass the excel file path, password as arguments to the loadWorkbook() function
# of the XLConnect module to read the excel file with the password and 
# store it in a variable
workbookObj <- loadWorkbook("sampleExcelFile.xlsx", password = "Sheetstips")

# Pass the above workbook object, sheetname as arguments to the readWorksheet() function
# to read the above workbook object and store it in another variable
datafrme <- readWorksheet(workbookObj, "website")

# Display the above dataframe using the head() function


     Website name       Name Age        City          State Student Employed Married    Scholorship   Id
2      Sheets Tips    Vikram  21   Hyderabad      Telangana     Yes       No      No Not Applicable 1234
3  Python-Programs  Ashritha  22        Pune         Mumbai     Yes       No      No  Already Taken 2344
4       BTechGeeks    Manish  19      Indore Madhya Pradesh     Yes       No      No  Already Taken 1345
5      PythonArray     Anish  20      Rajkot        Gujarat     Yes       No      No  Already Taken 1356
6      Sheets Tips    Vishal  18      Ranchi      Jharkhand     Yes       No      No  Already Taken 1938
7  Python-Programs     Pavan  23     Lucknow   Uttarpradesh      No      Yes      No Not Applicable 2345
8      Sheets Tips      John  32 Los Angeles        America      No      Yes     Yes Not Applicable 5622
9  Python-Programs     Virat  34        Agra          Delhi      No      Yes      No Not Applicable 1734
10      BTechGeeks      Cary  36       Tokyo          Japan      No      Yes     Yes  Already Taken 4562
11     PythonArray      Tara  39    Helsinki        Finland      No      Yes     Yes Not Applicable 2365
12     Sheets Tips     Smith  42     Nairobi          Kenya      No      Yes     Yes Not Applicable 2463
13 Python-Programs Elizabeth  66       Paris          Italy      No      Yes     Yes Not Applicable 2677



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