Python Program to Compare Excel Files

In this article, we are going to compare the two excel files columns in Python and their column numbers respectively.


Program to Compare Excel Files in Python


This file contains 6 columns with 6 unique student details. The following are the column names:

  • Website name
  • Name
  • Age
  • City
  • State
  • Pincode

sampleExcel sheet 1


This file contains 6 columns with 7 unique student details. The following are the column names:

  • Name
  • Website name
  • Id
  • Gender
  • State
  • Passport

sampleExcel sheet 2

read_excel() function:

The read excel method accepts two arguments: sheet name and index col. sheet name defines the sheet from which the data frame should be created, and the index col gives the title column.


  • Import the pandas module using the import Keyword.
  • Read the first excel file using the read_excel() function by passing the argument file path of the first excel file and store it in a variable.
  • Read the second excel file using the read_excel() function by passing the argument file path of the second excel file and store it in a variable.
  • Iterate in the Columns Names of the both excel sheets using the for loop.
  • Here i(iterator) represents the column Names of the first excel sheet.
  • Here j(iterator) represents the column Names of the second excel sheet.
  • We iterate in both excel sheets using the zip() function by passing the arguments first and the excel files.
  • Take two empty that stores the column names of the excel Files and store them in two variables.
  • Creating empty lists to append the column values.
  • Iterating in columns values of the two excel files using the zip() function by passing the arguments first and excel files corresponding column names.
  • Append the corresponding first column name values to the firstExcelColumns list using the append() function by passing the argument iterator value.
  • Append the corresponding second column name values to the secondExcelColumns list using the append() function by passing the argument iterator value.
  • Sort the corresponding firstExcelColumns list using the sort() function.
  • Sort the corresponding secondExcelColumns list using the sort() function.
  • Iterating the firstExcelColumns and secondExcelColumns list using the zip() and range() functions.
  • Check if the firstExcelColumns name is not equal to secondExcelColumns using the if conditional statement.
  • If it is true then print the Column name and Row Number.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the Implementation:

# Import the pandas module using the import Keyword

import pandas as pd

#Reading two Excel Sheets

# Read the first excel file using the read_excel() function 
# by passing the argument file path of the first excel file and store it in a variable.
excelFile1 = pd.read_excel("sampleExcelFile1.xlsx")
# Read the second excel file using the read_excel() function 
# by passing the argument file path of the second excel file and store it in a variable.
excelFile2 = pd.read_excel("sampleExcelFile2.xlsx")

# Iterate in the Columns Names of the both excel sheets using the for loop
# Here i(iterator) represents the column Names of the first excel sheet
# Here j(iterator) represents the column Names of the second excel sheet
# We iterate in the both excel sheets using the zip() function by passing the arguments first and excel files
for i,j in zip(excelFile1,excelFile2):
    # Take two empty that stores the columns names of the excel Files and store them in two variables.
    # Creating empty lists to append the columns values	
    firstExcelColumns,secondExcelColumns =[],[]

    # Iterating in columns values of the two excel files using the zip() function
  # by passing the arguments first and excel files corresponding column names
    for m, n in zip(excelFile1[i],excelFile2[j]):

        # Append the corresponding first column name values to the firstExcelColumns
    # list using the append() function by passing the argument iterator value
    # Append the corresponding second column name values to the secondExcelColumns
    # list using the append() function by passing the argument iterator value

    # Sort the corresponding firstExcelColumns list using the sort() function
 	# Sort the corresponding secondExcelColumns list using the sort() function

    # Iterating the firstExcelColumns and secondExcelColumns list using the zip() and range() functions
    for m, n in zip(range(len(firstExcelColumns)), range(len(secondExcelColumns))):
   # Check if the firstExcelColumns name is not equal to secondExcelColumns using the if conditional statement
        if firstExcelColumns[m] != secondExcelColumns[n]:
      # If it is true then print the Column name and Row Number
            print('Column name : \'{}\' and Row Number : {}'.format(i,m))


Column name : 'Website name ' and Row Number : 0
Column name : 'Website name ' and Row Number : 1
Column name : 'Website name ' and Row Number : 2
Column name : 'Website name ' and Row Number : 3
Column name : 'Website name ' and Row Number : 4
Column name : 'Website name ' and Row Number : 5
Column name : 'Name' and Row Number : 0
Column name : 'Name' and Row Number : 1
Column name : 'Name' and Row Number : 2
Column name : 'Name' and Row Number : 3
Column name : 'Name' and Row Number : 4
Column name : 'Name' and Row Number : 5
Column name : 'Age' and Row Number : 0
Column name : 'Age' and Row Number : 1
Column name : 'Age' and Row Number : 2
Column name : 'Age' and Row Number : 3
Column name : 'Age' and Row Number : 4
Column name : 'Age' and Row Number : 5
Column name : 'City' and Row Number : 0
Column name : 'City' and Row Number : 1
Column name : 'City' and Row Number : 2
Column name : 'City' and Row Number : 3
Column name : 'City' and Row Number : 4
Column name : 'City' and Row Number : 5
Column name : 'Pincode' and Row Number : 0
Column name : 'Pincode' and Row Number : 1
Column name : 'Pincode' and Row Number : 2
Column name : 'Pincode' and Row Number : 3
Column name : 'Pincode' and Row Number : 4
Column name : 'Pincode' and Row Number : 5

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