How to add timestamp to excel file in Python

Modules Needed:

1) datetime: In Python, this module allows us to work with dates and times.


pip install datetime

2)openpyxl: This is a Python library that allows you to read and write Excel files.


pip install openpyxl

3)time: The time module provides a wide variety of time-related functions.

strftime() Method:

Date and time objects are converted to string representations using the strftime() method. It takes one or more formatted code inputs and returns the string representation.

How to Add Timestamp to Excel File in Python



  • Import datetime module using the import keyword.
  • Import Workbook from openpyxl module using the import keyword from openpyxl import Workbook.
  • Import time module using the import keyword.
  • Create a workbook object and store it in a variable.
  • Choose the active sheet and store it in another variable.
  • Change the heading of the cell A1(rowno-1 and colno-1) to some random text.
  • Get the present date and time using function and modify the cell A2(rowno-2 and colno-1) value to the Current Date and Time using value.
  • Apply sleep() method by passing some random number as an argument to it to sleep it for the given n seconds.
  • Get the present date and time using function and modify the cell A3(rowno-3 and colno-1) value to the Current Date and Time using value.
  • Apply sleep() method by passing some random number as an argument to it to sleep it for the given n seconds.
  • Get the present date and time using function and modify the cell A4(rowno-4 and colno-1) value to the Current Date and Time using value.
  • Pass some random filename as an argument to the save() function to save the above workbook.
  • Close the workbook using the close() function.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Import datetime module using the import keyword
import datetime
# Import Workbook from openpyxl module using the import keyword
from openpyxl import Workbook
# Import time module using the import keyword
import time
# Create a workbook object and store it in a variable
work_book = Workbook()
# Choose the active sheet using active and store it in another variable
work_sheet =
# Change the heading of the cell A1(rowno-1 and colno-1) to some random text
work_sheet.cell(row=1, column=1).value = "Present Date-Time"
# Get the present date and time using function and modify the cell 
# A2(rowno-2 and colno-1) value to the Current Date and Time using value.
work_sheet.cell(row=2, column=1).value ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
# Apply sleep() method by passing some random number as an argument to it 
# to sleep it for the given n seconds.
# Get the present date and time using function and modify the cell 
# A3(rowno-3 and colno-1) value to the Current Date and Time using value. 
work_sheet.cell(row=3, column=1).value ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
# Get the present date and time using function and modify the cell 
# A4(rowno-4 and colno-1) value to the Current Date and Time using value.
work_sheet.cell(row=4, column=1).value ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
# Pass some random filename as an argument to the save() function 
# to save the above workbook.'demo.xlsx')
# Close the workbook using the close() function


How to Add Timestamp to Excel File in Python

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