How to Divide in Google Sheets? (Divide Numbers, Columns, Rows, Multiple Cells)

Google Sheets is one the most popular software when it comes to collaborating with multiple users and performing mathematical calculations. The division is one of the most important basic mathematical operations with the help of which we can perform various mathematical operations. In this article, we have provided all the necessary information on how to … Read more

Google Spreadsheet Limitations: File Size, Row, Columns, Cell Limit in Google Sheets

There are a handful of Google Sheets features that make it stand tall compared to other spreadsheets software. However, Google Sheets also have few limitations in file size, row or column limit, and so on. On this page, let us discuss everything about Google Sheets Limitations so that you can use the spreadsheet accordingly. Also, … Read more

How to Hide Tabs or Spreadsheets in Google Sheets? (Hide or Unhide Sheets)

Google Sheets is known for collaborating with multiple users online. However, when sharing the Google Spreadsheets with multiple users, the owner of the spreadsheet might face a few difficulties such as data privacy, tampering of data, and so on. Thus to overcome this issue, we can protect and hide workbooks and tabs in Google Sheets. … Read more

How To Highlight Blank or Errors in Google Sheets? (Using Conditional Formatting)

When you are working with a huge dataset, then it is extremely difficult to understand which cells are blank and which cells are showing errors. Thanks to the Google Sheets Conditional Formatting feature which helps the Google Sheets user to highlight the blank cells or the cells with errors. However to highlight blanks and error … Read more